ANALYSIS P - Analysis of Livestock Investments in Practice
Curso Executivo

ANALYSIS P - Analysis of Livestock Investments in Practice

R$ 397,00


Make the best investment decisions in your business through numbers!


The "P Analysis" course aims to enable participants to perform financial analysis of investments in the livestock area. During the course, topics such as economic feasibility analysis, risk assessment, and strategic decision making will be addressed. Participants will learn concepts such as NPV, IRR, and payback to identify viable projects, methods to evaluate and mitigate risks, and tools to make informed and effective decisions. By the end of the course, participants will be able to perform financial analysis of livestock investments and make strategic decisions to contribute to successful investments.

In the first part of the course, participants will learn about economic feasibility analysis, which consists in assessing the profitability of livestock investment projects. Concepts such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback will be presented, allowing investors to identify the most financially advantageous projects.


Next, the course will address risk assessment, which is a crucial factor for decision making in livestock investments. Methods to identify and quantify the risks associated with different projects will be presented, as well as strategies to mitigate these risks and increase the probability of investment success.


Finally, the course will address strategic decision making, which is an essential element to the success of any livestock investment. Participants will learn about the importance of considering factors such as the market, competition, and industry trends when making strategic decisions, and will be introduced to tools and methodologies that can help them make more informed and effective decisions.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to perform financial analysis of livestock investments, identify viable projects, evaluate risks, and make strategic decisions that contribute to successful investments.


What you will learn:


Class 5: Net Present Value

Class 6 - Internal Rate of Return

Class 7 - Benefit x Cost Ratio

Class 8 - PayBack

Class 9 - Balance Sheet Analysis

Class 10 - Risk and Sensibility Matrix

Class 11 - How to sell the plan

Class 12 - How to build the Presentation 

- What questions to answer when starting an analysis.

- Difference between ideas and opportunities.
- What an investment analysis should answer.
- What is and what is not an investment analysis.
- Key steps for an excellent investment analysis.

- Understanding the effect of the opportunity on my current investment.
- The gains and losses technique
- What should an excellent investment deliver?  

- Your Premises define the success of your analysis
- The Wheel of Consequences Technique
- Fundamentals for decision making.


Opinião de quem conhece

It was a really complete course where he manages to put together both the financial part and the cattle projects part. The course was able to aggregate this macro vision, that is, a more systematized vision of what the Brazilian cattle-raising evolution is, and it is certainly able to aggregate and many financial and economic fundamentals that will dictate the business rule. So, I highly recommend the course, it added a lot to my knowledge and really understood financially, economically how I can be more productive, more profitable and leave more margin.
Allysson Febronio
I am Salvador Sidona, a cattle rancher from the region of Assis in the state of São Paulo. We work with beef cattle, specializing in the breeding phase. I got to know Chaker's work in the event of our cooperative called Reproducanda. And I was delighted with the depth with which he dealt with issues related to business management. So, I read the book How to Make Money in Cattle Raising, then I took the P analysis, I'm taking the MAPP, and I've already purchased the LIDERA course. I am very satisfied with the results obtained so far and I recommend everyone who wants a more professional management in their activity to use the Inttegra tools. Here's the tip.
Salvador Sindona
Farmer - Assis - SP
The P Analysis course taught me how to price my product, I think it was the best course I took about the financial flow of cattle. It made me rethink my livestock farming, made me analyze my numbers, not the average of other properties, but my own business. It gives me support to know how to buy and sell, through the analysis of my own business. I can also know in how long I can pay off my investments, how much my profit margin will be, my profitability, if I can get the money with certain interests, among other tools that guide me in the decision making. I understand that the P analysis course should be bedside material for every cattle breeder and technician who would like to evolve in his management, essential for the growth and understanding of his business. I state with all clarity of mind that it was a watershed course in farm management.
Adolfo Paranaguá
Monte Alto Farm - PR


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Talk to us!

We hope we have clearly explained what we have to offer, if you have any questions, please contact us. We will be delighted to serve you.

Mandacaru Avenue, 2150 - Room 8 - Parque das Laranjeiras
CEP 87083-240 - Maringá, Paraná

Monday to Friday - 9 am to 5 pm (Brasilia time)